Smart Coffee is supposed to give me a boost of energy without the jitters, make me happy, help me sleep better, improve my focus and help me lose weight to boot?? Uh huh. The first time I heard that I started looking to the sky for magical unicorns and falling fairy dust.
What is Smart Coffee?
Coffee is the delivery mechanism for a blend of natural and botanical nootropics. They work with your body to naturally promote your body’s own happiness hormones —> Dopamine. Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins.
Not sure what a nootropic is? Me neither. So I googled it. (Yay Google!)
A nootropic is a substance that may improve cognitive function, memory, creativity and motivation. (Yep, I could use some of all that.)
An example, caffeine is a nootropic. But it is only one of many. Smart Coffee has roughly the same amount of caffeine as a normal cup of coffee.
There is a hot chocolate version that has only a fraction of the caffeine for those that need it. (It is also delicious!)
Does Smart Coffee = Happy Coffee?
There are a few coffee drinks floating around that make lots of claims about weight loss. Most of them have ingredients that work like diet pills. And I am not looking for that jittery, frantic feeling. (Blerg!) So I can only speak for the one I use. You can find more about Happy Coffee my Facebook group.
Because smart coffee works with your body to produce and balance your own body’s happiness hormones, yes, you will likely feel more positive. It doesn’t make you feel artificially “elevated.” I feel balanced and clear-headed. It is easier to laugh and small things and let go of little annoyances. It does not make me feel weird or dopey.
It helps if you understand what hormones are impacted and what they do for your body. And you can try Smart Coffee with this free Observation Journal to see if it really works for you.
Dopamine —> the reward hormone.
That zing you get from eating a brownie when you’re stressed or when a bunch of people love your new post on Instagram… that is dopamine.
Oxytocin —> the bonding hormone.
The first time you held your baby and were so in love. That is oxytocin. Feeling a little like having some special mommy-daddy snuggle time. Also oxytocin. It is also thought to play a factor in addiction and stress.
Serotonin —> the great regulator.
Serotonin helps regulate mood, social behavior, appetite, desire, sleep, memory… Did I mention sleep?
Endorphins —> the relief hormone.
This is the good stuff that your body produces to relieve stress and pain. It can also make you feel euphoric (without the worry about addiction or overdose!) Ever heard of a runner’s high? That would be endorphins at work.
My personal experience with Smart Coffee
My story was never about wanting to look good in a bikini… it is about wanting to play with my kids.
I have a genetic condition that causes my joints to dislocate (among other things). There is no cure, and managing it can feel like a full-time job. It is painful and at times, it can be really limiting.
On the flip side, I also have 3 kids, a wonderful husband, and I run my own business. But instead of focusing on my life and the things that bring me joy — instead of doing the physical therapy that keeps my joints from dislocating, I was napping.
I was consumed with fatigue. I don’t mean “let’s catch a nap and feel better” fatigue. I felt like I had the flu every day and it was painful to open my eyes and move my body no matter how long I slept.
A good friend started selling Happy Coffee after she had been given samples by a friend. I listened to her talk about the energy she had, how great she felt, how she felt level and even all the time, and as a side note —> She had lost 30 pounds because she no longer had any cravings.
I work online, my business is here. So I am a BIG skeptic when it comes to being “sold” anything online… Except I knew her. I had known her for years.
I figured it could not possibly make me have LESS energy so I decided to try it.
I was shocked.
Smart Coffee Results
The first day, I reorganized my kitchen pantry, all the drawers and cabinets. That had been on my to-do list for about a year and a half. Then I realized it was already after 2pm and I had not eaten anything and was not hungry. Again… shocked.
(Not suggesting for a second that never eating is a good plan – just that my cravings were totally gone. Now I eat meals on purpose, not because the sugar and carb demon is screaming in my ear.)
Now Happy Coffee isn’t a cure-all. In fact, they make no medical claims at all. I can only share my experience. I still have a genetic disorder. I still have joint dislocations. And yes, they are still painful. But I no longer agonize about opening my eyes in the morning.
I can also share that over time, I’ve had substantially less discomfort in my hands, knees, spine, and feet. I really can’t express what a huge thing that is for the quality of my life.
Most importantly, I play with my kids more. I get more done at work. I spend more time laughing and at ease than tense and stressed. I feel in control of my body in a way that I haven’t in a very long, long time.
Will Smart Coffee Help me Lose Weight?
I tried smart coffee because I desperately needed to get over my energy slump. I really had no expectations that I would magically lose weight.
I feel so much better, it is almost a side note that I’ve lost 23 pounds. There is plenty more where that came from but for the first time in a long time, I have hope that it can be done. I can’t say with any certainty the smart coffee made the weight fall off my hindquarters. If it did, I wish it would come back and claim some more.
Instead, I feel more like it moderated the cravings that most often get me into trouble. The happy coffee kills my cravings for sugar and carbs.
The best part is that I am not “dieting.” I eat more mindfully almost by accident. So while I don’t restrict my diet, I don’t have the inclination to go look for the leftover birthday cake in the freezer either.
Can Smart Coffee Help Me Sleep Better
Because I have Ehlers Danlos (it is genetic and incurable) every doctor asks me to identify goals for treatment.
I ALWAYS answered the same: I just need to be able to sleep through the night. And I want to be able to play with my kids more.
Turns out… I didn’t need a doctor for that. In addition to having WAY more energy during the day, I sleep so much more soundly at night.
Smart Coffee is not like an appetite suppressant – you know, the pills that kill your appetite but make you feel jittery and shaky and like your brain is spinning until smoke comes out your ears. It just works with your body to produce your own happy hormones. Once your hormones are where they should be, your energy is up during the day and you sleep better at night… kinda like your body is supposed to work!
Is Smart Coffee Expensive?
Expensive is relative, right? The first time I ordered, I won’t lie. I grimaced a little. Because I was desperate. And it felt like I was desperately throwing money at an unfixable problem.
Now, I spend less on groceries. I never have the urge to go through a drive-through. I am spending less on medication that I don’t have to take anymore. And I would rather go for a bike ride with my kids (because I can!) rather than take them out for ice cream. (Although, I’m not going to lie. I still like ice cream.)
Overall, I feel like it is a bargain at twice the price. But I understand how difficult it is to find money in the budget to do something solely for yourself. So I created a free Smart Coffee Observation Journal for you to track your body’s personal response and it has a reminder to either reorder or return your coffee within 30 days for the money-back guarantee. If it works, it will be the best investment you’ve ever made in yourself. If it doesn’t, send it back, you get your money back, and you lose nothing.
I am a big fan of the 30-day money-back guarantee. It really removes any financial risk and gives you plenty of time to see if the coffee is going to work for you!
How do I order Smart Coffee if I want to try it?
Do you have any questions? Jump over to my Facebook group and I will answer any questions you have there —-> Facebook.com/groups/happymodernmom
Or if you are ready to try it yourself, visit our online store at HappyModernMom.com.
Personally, I take DOSE Nitro, which is the Nitro Coffee plus the XanthoMax supplement. You will see it as one of the first products listed. If you are worried about the caffeine, you can try the Choclevate version, which has similar ingredients but is a low caffeine option. Zest is a lemonade version that you add to cold water, shake and go. It falls in the half-caf world, somewhere between the caffeinated coffee and decaf Choclevate.
One of the things I love the most about ordering these products is that SmartShip saves me 10% but I can change it or even cancel it easily on the website at any time. You don’t have to wait forever on hold for some random person. You are totally in control.
What are the ingredients in Smart Coffee?
Magic. Magic is in the smart coffee.
If you want to see more detail than that, select the product you are interested in at HappyModernMom.com and scroll down until you see “Additional Information.” It is towards the bottom of the page and under the buy button. You will see the ingredient labels there for every product we sell.
Grab your Smart Coffee Observation Journal now and see if Smart Coffee works for you!
Can I order Samples of Happy Coffee?
I highly recommend ordering the month supply of smart coffee and XanthoMax (DOSE) and see how it makes you feel over a couple of weeks. If it doesn’t change the way you feel, get your money back with no hassle because the monthly order is covered by the fantastic 30-day money-back guarantee.
Got more questions? Leave them in the comments and I will do everything I can to help you! Have you ordered your coffee and need help getting started? Jump to this article for Helpful Tips to Get Started with your Smart Coffee.
Hi! I was just wondering if this can cause stomach issues when first starting?
I have not personally had that issue. It came up a couple of times in my Facebook group and it was usually due to either skipping meals, mixing it with your regular coffee (that is a lot of caffeine in one cup) or something similar. If you are using the coffee and having that issue, I would cut back to half a scoop and see if that helps. Once you feel better, work your way back up to a full scoop. If you want some help, jump over to the Facebook group and I am glad to chat with you to figure out what is going on.
I hate the taste of instant coffee. IS this better tasting? DO you have to use creamer?
I love the taste but I always use creamer even before this coffee. But honestly, it makes me feel so much better, I would drink it even if it tasted like tar. LOL!
Is there any way to get samples?
Yes! You can go to: https://modernmom.happycoffeesampler.com/
I take it you don’t run this through your coffee maker? I generally use K cups but can also use ground coffee.
You do not run this through your coffee maker. It is an instant coffee. Just add hot water and your favorite creamer!
I’m trying the coffee for the first time today, and I already feel so motivated. Thanks for sharing your story!
I am so glad! I can’t wait to hear how you feel? Are you in the Facebook group?
How much water is “suggested” when using this product and could that amount be part of the reason there are no cravings? If you are full of water you dont really “need” to eat. Just wondering because this is how many others work!
The rule of thumb is half your body weight in ounces. I can honestly say, I drank that anyways. I do feel better when I drink enough water. But water alone has never changed my weight. It has also never changed my energy level, or sleep quality, or pain levels. I also feel more clear-headed about the decisions I make regarding food. Everyone I say that to thinks I’m a nutcase until they actually try it. LOL! THen they are like… OH! Now I get it. I lost 30 pounds without doing much (I also have plenty I need to lose so that number is personal to me.) Now that rate has slowed down a bit without being mindful of what I eat and the exercise I get. But for the first time, I have the energy and the mind space to deal with both of those factors. Does that help?
Do you have to take the pill with the coffee?
There are lots of people who choose to try just the coffee. Personally I have tried with the supplement and without and I like my results better with the supplement. You can jump I’m the Facebook group and ask some other users what their experiences have been if that is helpful!
I can’t drink coffee. Tea drinker. Is this actually coffee?
It is like instant coffee. But the coffee is really a delivery mechanism for the good stuff inside. There is also a chocolate version. It is like lightly sweetened hot chocolate mix to me. The only difference is that the chocolate version has less caffeine. You can find out more at HappyModernMom.com or you can jump in our Facebook group and there are lots of customers who will share their experiences.
Great article and I tried to buy from your affiliate link but it would not allow me to as I never give out my personal cell number and it requires it to purchase. Sorry. I would love to support you but I’m headed to Amazon instead. You are probably missing out on quite a few referral credits due to a poorly built clock funnel. Thanks again for the info and I wish you luck in your future!
Hey there! Sorry you were having trouble. You should be able to buy at HappyModernMom.com. Or just jump over to the Facebook group and I can help you more there!
did you also purchase the creamer? or just add the dose into hot water?
I have not tried the creamer. I just add the coffee to hot water and use my regular creamer!
I too have. Genetic condition that gives me bad collagen and dislocating joints and girl… fatigue like none other. Magic Coffee was my first step in claiming back some of my life. It gave me some energy to think clearer, feel happier and advocate for myself in the doctors office.. which also led to a better understanding and discussion on how I was really feeli
G.. which led to a plan to improve my quality of life!! Oh and the kicker.. I lost 25 pounds! I’m not sleeping my life away!!
Thanks so much for sharing, it’s nice to know I am not the only one.
Cheree Terrell
I can totally relate to how you feel. Just having the energy to and brain space to advocate for myself is literally a life changer!!! I am so glad you are feeling good! Reach out any time! I would love to know how you are doing!
Hello! Is it safe if breastfeeding?
Good question. There is no testing to be able to say yes or no. Though there are lots of mommas who are users who swear it helps their milk supply. If you want to join the Facebook group, I can get you connected with some other ladies who might be able to share their experiences.
How much time did it take to lose 25 pounds
For me, about 3 months… But I also made zero effort. LOL!
if you order the smart coffee does it automatically ship to you every month. This is the one thing I don’t want. I like to be able to order when I need it and not have it coming every month.
No, it is not automatic. You can select smartship as an option and it saves you a little money. But it is totally up to you. And you can change your mind every month if you want to. You don’t have to call anyone or email to make changes to your shipment, you can do it all in your account in the website.