Protein Powder Pancakes


Protein Powder Pancakes are wholesome, hearty, and simply delicious. Made with vanilla whey protein powder, buttermilk, and oat flour, they’ll fill you up without weighing you down. The perfect pre-workout!


Vanilla Whey Protein Powder Baking Powder | Baking Soda Buttermilk | Eggs | Oat Flour Vanilla Extract

Optional Toppings: Honey | Yogurt | Blueberries

Whisk the eggs, buttermilk and vanilla extract. In another bowl, mix the dry ingredients. Then combine the dry and wet ingredients, do not overmix.

Mix pancakes

Add butter to a pancake pan, and cook the pancakes over low heat.  Once you see the first bubbles on top, flip them over and cook for another minute.

Serve them warm with your favorite toppings. Enjoy!

It’s best to enjoy these pancakes when they are freshly made. They will become soggy and/or dry within a couple of hours!

chef's tips

Great pre-work or after-workout snack! YUMMM!!

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