Welcome to your Smart Coffee journey! You’ve heard smart coffee is going to rock your world… but how exactly do you buy it, use it, and get the most from it?! We’ve got you covered with this handy guide!
Taking this step was so important for me. I have more energy, I’ve lost some weight, I sleep better – and overall, I just have a more clear, focused approach to my daily life. All in all, it is a ridiculous amount to ask of your daily cup of coffee. But I hope it serves up happiness for you in the same way it has done for me.
If you haven’t read about what this coffee has done for me, you can read about my experience with Happy Coffee here. I am super straight and honest about what it did and didn’t do for me.
How to Buy Smart Coffee
Have you ordered your coffee yet? If not, you can do that at HappyModernMom.com.
I take the D.O.S.E. Nitro product, which is the Nitro coffee tub and daily xanthomax supplement. I also like the Choclevate if I want another cup in the late afternoon or evening (it is the reduced caffeine version and tastes like lightly sweetened hot chocolate!) You can find both of those products if you go to the website and click “SHOP.”
As you begin your experience, make sure to join the Happy Modern Mom & Dad Facebook group to ask questions and share your experiences. I regularly share tips and information in the group. We do occasional promotions, and there are SO MANY nice people there who are more than happy to share their own experiences.
Get Started with Smart Coffee
After my own experience, getting tons of reviews, and asking lots of questions, I’ve put together a list of tops for success as you get started with smart coffee.
- Start Slow – begin with half a scoop of the coffee to see how you feel before you use the full scoop. I have never once felt jittery using this product, but it does have caffeine. The average cup of coffee has 95mg of caffeine this coffee has 130mg per serving. So it is not over the top by any stretch of the imagination but it will give you an energy boost. We want that energy boost to feel good, not like you might jitter off the sofa. So test your tolerance to the amount of caffeine in the serving before you jump in with both feet.
- Drink loads of water! – You will feel thirsty. Especially at the beginning. This is a GOOD THING! You body is working hard to balance your happiness hormones and make you feel better. Aim for half your weight in ounces of water every day.
- Shake up the tub – the product will settle some in shipping. You’ll see little white specs in your coffee tub when you open in. Those are magical and you want some in every cup!
- Take the xanthomax! – I know we focus on the coffee but the coffee and xanthomax supplement were designed to support each other. I have personally tried just the coffee and the coffee and xanthomax together. I feel much clearer, more focused, more content with my life… and have WAY less inflammation when I use the xanthomax too. (If you’ve never read about my medical issues, you can read my story here.)
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